Best zombie films taught us

Bela Lugosi plays a witch doctor in White Zombie, the first feature-length zombie horror film and the first popularization of the Hollywood theme of Haitian voodoo zombies.

The movie Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead is being produced by Troma and promises to be vulgar, violent, and to have no bounds or sense of good taste. In addition to that, the sociological commentary on consumer society is rather astutely delivered.

The Dead Next Door is a low-budget zombie action-drama that was shot entirely on SUPER 8 and has both cringe-worthy amateur acting and surprising touches of professionalism. It was produced by Sam Raimi, who used some of the money from Evil Dead II to pay his friend J. R. Bookwalter to direct it.

Globe War Z is one of the poorest adaptations of a brilliant source material in the history of the horror genre, but it does present a fascinating narrative of a United Nations investigator who jets throughout the world in quest of a cure or biological weapon to combat zombies.

After a military private who has also turned into a zombie changes them, a group of lazy friends thinks they have become "super soldiers." The movie is like Colin in that it is told from the zombie's point of view, but with a clever, funny twist.

Nicholas Hoult plays a zombie who spends his days wandering a barren airport with hundreds of his brethren, until he meets Julie for the first time and his ice-cold, undead heart begins to soften.

Nightmare City is a ridiculous foreign horror movie about irradiated zombies who can still think and kill with knives, axes, and even machineguns. The English dubbing is a lot of fun, and the ending is one of the funniest things you'll ever see in a zombie movie.

Jeff Barnaby's zombie thriller Blood Quantum is a parody that looks at the daily tragedies of colonialism.

Cemetery Man is a scary art-comedy about a cemetery caretaker who travels through life aimlessly. Its protagonist's melancholy and loss of identity are akin to American Psycho.

The film 28 Weeks Later violates one of the unwritten rules of zombie cinema by having a "main zombie" that escapes and prevents the other infected from being perceived as legitimate threats. Despite this, the film is frequently interesting, frequently scary, frequently powerful, and frequently frustrating for fans of the zombie and horror genres.

People that look like the slain guests are strolling the streets of a tiny New England seaside town. The undead here may behave independently.

Robert Englund portrays a presumably zombiefied village resident, while Jack Albertson plays the quirky town coroner/mortician.

One Cut of the Dead is a charming zombie comedy about performers attempting to live-stream a zombie short film.

George Romero's low-budget ingenuity and willingness to experiment are on full display in One Cut of the Dead.

A zombie drama with a limited budget that follows a former baseball pitcher and catcher as they make their way across the nation together in the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse. Although the zombies are there, they serve mostly as an impassable obstacle and a harrowing reminder of what these guys have been deprived of.

The film depicts an extraterrestrial invasion in which parasitic slugs give their victims superpowers. It's a zombified take on Animal House, and it's a risqué, very tawdry horror picture set in a university.

Hammer Horror created Dracula, Frankenstein, The Mummy, and Plague of the Zombies. Its zombies are decrepit and terrifying, and Night of the Living Dead's impact is clear.

Zack Snyder's Dawn of the Dead is a leaner, action-packed, grisly modern zombie tale that is extremely indebted to 28 Days Later. It has one of the best opening scenes in the history of zombie movies.

Zombieland is a comedy that relocates the action to the United States and brings together strangers rather than a group of friends among the survivors. It has really horrifying zombies and a near-perfect blend of comic brutality and character-driven entertainment.

Train to Busan is a South Korean zombie film that combines both exciting popcorn entertainment and heartfelt family drama. It culminates with multiple never-before-seen action sequences and outstanding makeup FX.

The Beyond, directed by Lucio Fulci, is a zombie film that blends a haunted home aesthetic with demonic possession, the living dead, and ghostly apparitions, and is one of the most elegant Italian zombie horror films.

In the modern age, a zombie plague would be caught on everyone's smartphone. This film is an amazing depiction of what it may be like.

A mystery plan orchestrates the playing of a horror film and the audience's zombification and demonization, resulting to practical effects violence and survival.

The Italian horror film Zombi 2 is the undisputed best example of its subgenre. It takes the craziness level to new heights while also setting a new benchmark for gore. It is replete with unforgettable scenes that have become synonymous with horror in general.

One of the finest horror comedy ever made is Evil Dead 2. It reveals how the movie industry's attitudes about zombies are evolving.

Day of the Dead reimagines the typical Romero ghoul and introduces Bub, maybe the most famous zombie in Romero's body of work, who has a unique personality and even a sense of humor.

By the time 28 Days Later came out in 2002, the classic zombie film had all but died, but the film resurrected the notion and made zombies a serious danger. It also gave rise to the notion of the serious zombie film in the twenty-first century.

The sequel to Night of the Living Dead is considered a masterpiece among zombie films, although its director, John Russo, is mostly forgotten.

Dawn of the Dead, directed by George A. Romero, is a technological and artistic breakthrough for the genre. It takes set in (Updates) a cheesy shopping mall that has been invaded by the undead, and it incorporates classic imagery that has been replicated or subverted in subsequent zombie films.

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